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About Us + Bios

Pryvos is a privately-held Maryland corporation that helps organizations integrate world-class cybersecurity into their software development projects. 

We value integrity, transparency, discipline and cost-benefit analysis.  We shun hype, paranoia and the latest technical Band-Aid.

Read about our leadership below.

Read our services presentation.



About Us + Bios

Pryvos is a privately-held Maryland corporation that helps organizations integrate world-class cybersecurity into their software development projects. 

We value integrity, transparency, discipline and cost-benefit analysis.  We shun hype, paranoia and the latest technical Band-Aid.

Read about our leadership below.

Read our services presentation.


Bernard C. Eydt

BC Eydt is an attorney and technologist with over 20 years of cybersecurity experience. He has provided cybersecurity solutions to the US Departments of Defense and Homeland Security, the National Institute of Standards and Technology, and the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority. He started his career as a policy analyst at the White House Office of Management and Budget. He holds degrees in law, economics, statistics and computer science from Concord, Princeton, Yale, and Columbia respectively.